WEM CRICKET CLUB, Kynaston Ground, Soulton Road, Wem. SY4 5HR



2.1 WEM CRICKET CLUB Lead Safeguarding Officer

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889      email graham.furber@yahoo.com

11, Pump Road, Bomere Heath. Shropshire SY4 3PR


WEM CC Supporting Safeguarding Officer(s)

Becky Bowen

07507 746577

email beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com


Paul Strefford

07840 702338

email streffis@btinternet.com




County Safeguarding Officer Tracey Pyke

07542 455276   email safeguarding@shropshirecricketboard.co.uk

West Mercia Police 0300 333 3000 inc. the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA)

ECB  020 7432 1200 (ask for a member of the safeguarding team) or

email safeguarding@ecb.co.uk

NSPCC 0800 800 5000

email www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/reporting-abuse/report/

Teenage Support email support@teenagehelpline.org.uk

Shropshire Safeguarding Team Children’s Services First Point of Contact (FPOC) 0345 678 9021

or (out of hours) Emergency Social Work Team on 0345 678 9040 select option 1

email www.safeguardingshropshireschildren.org.uk/

Childline: 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk/



Whistleblowing If you don’t understand this policy or the club’s procedures, or feel that concerns are covered up/worried about repercussions: 0800 028 0285 help@nspcc.org.uk


Aim To create a policy for the club which overarches all others

To adopt fully ‘Safe Hands’ (ECB directive) and create a contemporary safeguarding policy statement which ensures that safeguarding and a culture of safeguarding is high priority and shared throughout the club, to all stakeholders, especially children.

Create a policy which is effective and regularly updated whilst acknowledging, that safeguarding refers to the prevention of harm and is the responsibility of everyone.

Introduction Wem Cricket Club (the club) is committed to ensuring all children (0-18 years) and vulnerable adults (Appendix 1) have a safe and positive experience. This Safeguarding statement responds to the ECB Safe Hands strategy and as a result the club adopts ECB wording, documents and materials and the club utilises its 4-stage approach;

1. Putting things in place

2. Having the right people in place

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

4. Cricket Specific guidance

This approach is now used for all of our policies

1. Putting things in place


1.1 Safety The club is committed to ensuring the safety of all children (0-18 years) and vulnerable adults (Appendix 1) within the club and promotes that their safety is paramount.

1.2 Equality The club acknowledges that all children regardless of age, gender, language, race, religion, sexual identity, ability or disability have the right to (a) have fun and (b) be protected from abuse/harm in a safe environment. SEE Equality Policy

1.3 This policy will be published on the club’s website and promoted in print in the pavilion.

1.4 This policy will be presented to Coaches, Club Officers, volunteers and ‘others’ working with children (adults in charge).

1.5 This policy will be reviewed each year, shared and agreed at the Annual General Meeting.

1.6 All suspicions and allegations of abuse or poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly.

1.7 The club will promote and encourage the use one reporting mechanism for all Accident, Concerns and Incidents (ACI) which will be collated by the club’s Safeguarding team. Appendix 1

1.8 ‘Safeguarding’ will be a discussion point at all committee meetings.

1.9 Other children The club will promote that non-playing siblings and children 0-5 years are primarily the responsibility of the parent/carer (e.g. posters)

2. Having the right people in place

2.1. Safeguarding Officer(s) (See ESSENTIAL CONTACTS) The club will appoint a Lead Club Safeguarding Officer and Support Safeguarding Officer(s) and will support them in acquiring the required ECB training.

2.2 Disclosure and Barring DBS checks will be kept up to date and records held in confidence by the Lead Safeguarding Officer and the club will ensure that all adults in charge are appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant legislation.

2.3 Safeguarding Officers will be noted in the pavilion and noted on the club’s website. Safeguarding Officers will wear identifying yellow lanyards whilst adults in charge will wear green. Contacts details for Safeguarding Officers will be on lanyards.

2.4 Safeguarding Officer(s)

a) Will often be the first point of contact with regards safeguarding and reporting via ACI

b) Will be the source of procedural advice for the club

c) Will be the main point of contact for the ECB County Welfare Officer and ECB Safeguarding Team

d) Will be the main point of contact for external agencies, (re. safeguarding and child protection).

e) Will ensure correct reporting is, in place and used for managing both, safeguarding and child protection. (Appendix 1 & 4)


2.3 Adults in charge will be expected to adhere to this policy statement, including:

a) Be aware of the club’s policies & codes of conducts and use best practice when working with children and vulnerable adultS

b) Know who the Safeguarding Officers are and understand the procedures set out in 3. ‘What do you do if you have a concern?’

c) Learn the individual needs of the children they coach as noted by parents/carers, e.g. medical need

2.4 The Club Committee will share the ‘Safe Hands’ ethos, promote best practice and support the contents of this policy statement.

2.5 Views of others A safeguarding approach which is shared helps to create an environment where people have the opportunity to voice concerns and as such, the club will provide an environment where the views of children, parents and volunteers are sought and welcomed.

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

3.1 Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults and reporting concerns is paramount.

The ECB use a three-step approach when taking appropriate action.

Known as the three R’s: Respond Record Report


to the concern or allegation (stay calm, reassure, listen)

normally an adult in charge/club Safeguarding team


the relevant information (Use ACI form)

pass to club Safeguarding team


the relevant information (Use ECB Safeguarding Referral Form)

We will report concerns of abuse of any kind

ii) We can respond to the child with empathy

iii) We cannot promise confidentiality

iv) We cannot lead the discussion/or discuss abuse types

v) We will share concerns (complete an ACI) at the earliest and safest opportunity and pass onto appropriate Safeguarding Officer/agencies

vi) We will call the police (contact local services) if a child is at an immediate risk.

3.2 We can Use an Accident, Concern, Incident form (ACI, Appendix 1). This can be completed by anyone and for any incident and passed to the Safeguarding Officer at the earliest convenience. This form can be shared with parents where appropriate.

3.3 We can Report concerns to any ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

3.4 ECB Safeguarding Referral Form (Appendix 4)

This is part of the ECB Safe Hands strategy and is found on www.ecb/safeguarding. If there are child protection concerns, this should be completed (Usually by a club Safeguarding Officer) and shared with the ECB Safeguarding Team and/or County Safeguarding Officer.

3.5 Confidentiality The club will ensure access to confidential information relating to child safeguarding matters, is restricted to those who ‘need to know’. The club will retain information on children and their families in accordance with GDPR compliance regulations.

4. Cricket Specific guidance


4.1 The club will ensure that adults in charge are provided with support so they are aware of and can adhere to Safe Hands and guidelines defined by both, the ECB and the club.

4.3 Adults in charge need to (in no particular order):

a)    Ensure that cricket is fun and that ‘fair play’ is promoted (SEE Anti-bullying Policy)

b)    Treat all young people equally with respect and dignity (SEE Equality Policy)

c)     Understand that welfare of children, comes before winning

d)    Use appropriate language and behaviour (no alcohol/not smoke by children)

e)    Create a positive and inclusive environment

f)      Be enthusiastic, especially about ‘progress made’

g)    Complete ACIs and pass to the correct Officer

h)    Not keep records/personal information on children

i)      Ensure physical contact is appropriate

j)      Report safeguarding concerns

k)     Keep technical skills, qualifications, DBS and insurances up to date

l)      Apply New technologies and Social Media Policy

m)   Report a missing child (SEE Missing Child Policy)

4.4 Adults working with children must complete ACIs for:

a) any incident of any concern

4.5 Adults working with children MUST NOT:

a)    Coach 1:1 (Unless parents are present)

b)    Share a bedroom with children (e.g. tours)

c)     Transport children in a car alone. (SEE Transporting Children Policy)

4.6 Photography and use of video: (SEE Social Media and New Technologies policy)

Parent permission for photography is sought during ‘Junior Registration’ and permission must be sought before recorded images in any form are used for any purpose. Images are only stored with permission and in accordance with GDPR. Mobile phones are not allowed in changing rooms and children should be encouraged to leave mobile phones ‘off the pitch’.

4.7 Changing facilities (SEE Changing room policy)

Children will be encouraged to arrive ‘ready to play’ and if changing rooms are to be used by children, they must be supervised by an adult in charge (with DBS)

Adults must not shower with children and children should not use the showers.

Girls are offered the Disabled toilet as a changing room in mixed playing situations

4.8 Guidance for parents:

Parents should be made aware that:

a)    Adults in charge are either DBS checked or working with supervision

b)    Adults in charge are properly qualified (and supported in training)

c)     Adults in charge are aware of ‘Safe Hands’

d)    The club encourages parents to volunteer

4.7 Parent/carer absence (SEE Missing Children Policy)

If a parent/carer fails to collect a child, the club will

  1. Try to contact the parent and wait with the child (with others)
  2. Not send a child home with any other person without parental permission
  3. As a last resort - contact the police
  4. Remind parents/carers of the problems caused by their late arrival or absence

4.8 Use of alcohol and illegal substances

Children under the legal drinking age are not allowed to drink alcohol at the club or on tour. Children found carrying dangerous objects or illegal substances will be reported upon.

4.9 Bullying and harassment (SEE Anti-Bullying Policy)

The club promotes a ‘zero tolerance’ approach towards bullying and all bullying incidents will be taken seriously. The Junior website pages support this and includes useful links to Kidscape and Childline.  


Shaun Astley


Graham Furber

(Lead Safeguarding Officer)

Dated: April 2021

Next review April 2022




Questions for a club to ask in planning safeguarding

Designated professional lead for safeguarding?

Senior board level lead takes responsibility for the organisation's safeguarding arrangements?

Clear lines of accountability for the commissioning/provision of services to safeguard & promote welfare?

Culture of listening to and consulting with children in individual decisions and in the development of services?

Arrangements which set out the process for sharing information with other professionals/the Local Safeguarding Children Board. Understand how to refer to Local Authority children's social care or police?

Clear policies for dealing with altercations against people who work with children?

Understanding requirements to refer cases to the Local Authority Designated Officer or the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)?

Supervision, support and training for staff/volunteers, including supervision training?

Safe recruitment practices for individuals who will work regularly with children including policies on when to obtain a criminal records check?


Protection of Vulnerable Adults: As defined by the Lord Chancellor’s Department in 1997, in the Consultation Paper ‘Who decides?’

A person

who is 18 years of age or over, and who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself, or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or serious exploitation”.

The club will apply the principles stated in this document, to protect vulnerable adults within the club.

Appendix 4

ECB Safeguarding Referral Form

Please use this form to report a safeguarding concern to the ECB.  

If you have a problem completing this form or would like advice about reporting a concern, please email safeguarding@ecb.co.uk providing your contact details so that we can obtain further information from you, if required.  

After submitting your concern, you will receive an automated email with a unique reference number please keep a record of this.  The ECB will use the personal information that you provide in accordance with the ECB information and privacy agreement (as may be updated from time to time).

In an emergency and/or if you are concerned that someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call the police without delay on 999

Do not delay in reporting, fill in as much information as you can and send in. Additional information can follow on. The ECB Safeguarding Team will liaise with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on your behalf.

Details of person completing this form.






Contact number 


Email address


Club (if applicable)




Name of club / venue /organisation / activity you are concerned about.


Details of the person you are concerned about.

It may relate to a child whose welfare you are worried about or an adult whose behaviour concerns you. Please specify which & include as much personal information as you can.

If you are concerned about a child please include their name, address, date of birth, club details, school, contact details.

If you are concerned about an adult, please also specify their role (player/lead coach/ treasurer/barman etc.) 

If your concern relates to more than one person, please be specific about who they are.


Does the person have any specific needs such as any disabilities, mental health issues or additional vulnerabilities.

Please do not give your opinion but provide this information based on factual evidence.








Details of parent/carer (if known/applicable)








Contact number




Time / location of concern.

If your concern relates to a number of concerns which have come to light over a period of time, then please specify.

When did this incident take place?



Where did this concern take place?



Details of Concern

Circumstances:  Please include ALL the information known to you.

Points to cover.

1.What has happened?

2.  Where did it happen? 

3.  When did it happen?

4.  Who is involved, and who did what?

5.  Why did it happen? 

Try to report in a chronological order. If your information has come to you from a number of individuals, please be clear about who said what.

Detail any previous concerns about the person you are referring to.

Include any verbatim comments and the demeanour of the person if possible.


Injuries: Describe nature of injury, any treatment obtained and by whom.




Witnesses: Full details of all witnesses to be recorded (Name, address, contact details, role, club) Have they been spoken to? What did they witness? 

Action taken:

Outline what action has already been taken and by whom.



Please tell us whether the club has spoken to the child’s parent / carer about the concerns and whether they expressed a view about what should be done. Do they consent to you sharing this information for the purposes of safeguarding their child?

If you have any concerns about approaching a parent / carer please seek advice from the ECB Safeguarding Team.



Person against whom allegation has been made. 

If the allegation is against a member of staff or volunteer, that person should not be informed of the concern until advice has been sought from the ECB Safeguarding Team.


Date of birth



Contact number

Email address

Relationship to child / adult at risk.

Have they been spoken to?            Yes / No

Account given.


Action taken.

Include things such as 

Did you call Police or Social Services? 

Who have you have spoken to about this matter? Who has been notified (Name and contact details?) When were they notified?





All Stars Activator

Captain / Vice captain

Club Safeguarding Officer

League Safeguarding Officer


Coach Support Worker

Dynamos Activator

Junior Supervisor

Junior / Colts Manager



Team manager

Volunteer Coordinator

First Aid Responder