Adopted 2021 awaiting Committee approval

1. Putting things in pla

1. Putting things in place

1.1 The Club will maintain a culture where it is safe, and acceptable, for all those involved in cricket to raise concerns about unacceptable practice, misconduct and issues of safeguarding.

1.2 It is essential that members feel that they are able to report their concerns with no fear of retribution

1.3 Why we should report

·       Prevent the problem worsening or widening

·       Protect and reduce the risk to others

·       Prevent becoming implicated yourself



If something seems wrong - report it!

NEVER assume

All is well or it would have been spotted earlier

It doesn’t matter or no harm will arise

Ignore it as it is not my responsibility

Someone else must have reported it already




Reasons that we may not report

Worried about disloyalty

Fear of harassment

Concerned that it may create a chain of events

Worried that you might be wrong

Anxious that you may not be believed


2. Having the right people in place

2.1 Equality Policy ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

Club Safeguarding Officer(s)

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

Becky Bowen 07507 746577 beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com

Paul Strefford 07840 702338 streffis@btinternet.com

County Officer Tracey Pyke 07542 455276  safeguarding@shropshirecricketboard.co.uk

ECB Safeguarding Team 020 7432 1200 www.safeguarding@ecb.co.uk 


2.2 Public Concern at Work 020 7404 6609 whistle@pcaw.org.uk


2.3 Wem Cricket Club has an email wem.cricket@gmail.com

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

The club’s Safeguarding Officer(s), County Welfare Officer and the ECB have a responsibility to protect you from harassment. When a concern is raised in good faith then no action can be taken against it*.

3.1 Report to ESSENTIAL CONTACTS, preferably via email

3.2 Email concerns to wemcricket@gmail.com 

3.3 Complete an ACI FORM

If you cannot, or do not wish to, then report to


3.4 Public Concern at Work on 020 7404 6609 or whistle@pcaw.org.uk


Note* Malicious allegations may be considered a disciplinary offence


4. Cricket specific advice

4.1 Confidentiality Whistle blowing/concerns will be treated in confidence. During investigation, every effort will be made to keep the identity of those raising the concern unknown, except to the minimum number of individuals practicable. The Disclosure Act 1998 protects whistle blowers from victimisation, where they raise genuine concerns of misconduct or malpractice.


4.2 Feedback You should be given relevant information on the progress of your report – however, confidentiality of others will be protected too and information regarding the protection of children might not be shared


NEVER Inform the person about whom concerns were raised

Never inform others

Never commence an investigation alone

Do not annotate or remove evidence

Do not delay in reporting on



Advice to the Safeguarding team (ECB 2021)


The club’s ACI Form may be used to collate information


Or take notes on the following: Name address and telephone, Alleged incident(s), Names of individuals involved, if they can submit evidence, how they became aware of the allegation?


Do not attempt to deal with detailed allegations of safeguarding and pass to the County or national ECB Safeguarding Team immediately