Adopted 2021 Awaiting committee approval

Aim: To protect all members from bullying and harassment by implementing this policy

1. Putting things in place

1.1 The club are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all club users and we operate a ‘zero-tolerance’ anti-bullying ethos and are against any form of harassment

1.2 We are an anti-racist club and so are actively against any form of racism

1. 3 The club is committed to equality and of creating a club which promotes dignity and respect for all;

celebrating difference and of valuing everyone SEE Equality Policy

1.4 As part of ‘Safe Hands’, children and vulnerable adults will not be bullied in the club. Prevention will be addressed though ‘coaching talks; ‘welcome and introduction’ sessions; flyers; posters; questionnaires

2. Having the right people in place


2.1 Anti-bullying Policy ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

Club Safeguarding Officer(s)

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

Becky Bowen 07507 746577 beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com

Paul Strefford 07840 702338 streffis@btinternet.com

County Safeguarding Officer Tracey Pyke 07542 455276  safeguarding@shropshirecricketboard.co.uk

ECB Safeguarding Team 020 7432 1200 www.safeguarding@ecb.co.uk 

West Mercia Police 0300 333 3000


2.2 USEFUL CONTACTS Adults and children - phone the Samaritans on 116 123


2.3 USEFUL CONTACTS children and vulnerable adults

NSPCC 0800 800 5000

Teenage Support support@teenagehelpline.org.uk

Childline 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk/

Kidscape www.kidscape.org.uk/

2.4 Club Officers and coaches will promote this policy and all members will know the policy

3. What do you do if you have a concern?


If any club member has a bullying concern

3.1 Share your concerns

3.2 Speak/email someone you trust/Safeguarding Officer/any club official

3.3 Report concerns to ESSENTIAL CONTACTS, preferably via email

3.4 Email concerns to wemcricket@gmail.com 


3.6 Keep a diary of what happens (try including dates, times and witnesses of the incident(s))

4. Cricket Specific Advice

The alleged bullying will be investigated

·       Suitable actions will be taken

We may give a warning?

We may offer restorative actions?

·       If there are serious incidents, we may involve the County ECB Safeguarding Team (020 7432 1200) and in cases of adults reported to be bullying junior cricketers, the national ECB Safeguarding team will be involved

·       we may involve the police 0300 333 3000

We may exclude members from the club.



All members at the club know what bullying is and that we run a ‘zero tolerant’ approach

All members know what to do if they have a concern


Reasons to report bullying

Because it is the correct thing to do

Because bullying is wrong – it hurts

Everyone has the right to be treated with respect

To prevent the problem getting worse

To help others and to help the bully


Reasons that we may not report bullying

Concerned that it makes things worse

Worried about other friendships

Worried that you might be wrong

Anxious that you may not be believed

Worried that you might be deemed a grass


Bullying Types

Emotional being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding kit or making threatening gestures)

Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

Racist racial taunts, graffiti and/or gestures

Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

Homophobic focusing on the issue of sexuality

Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours and teasing

Cyber: bullying behaviour online or via electronic communication (email and text,

Social media and imaging Misuse of cameras, computers, filming etc


Prevention: leafleting, talks and other actions. Updating policies and codes. Use of contracts/registration


What we can do for the victim

Bullying is NEVER the fault of the victim and reporting is the right thing to do and NEVER ‘grassing

Many victims have low self-esteem and we should offer a caring and supportive manner

Victims must be kept informed about actions taken

Victims may be asked to keep a diary and report any incidents immediately

Confident restorative work may be apt: meet with the bully, in the presence of a third party.


How we can help the bully?

Encouraged to understand the reasoning behind their bullying/follow-up action may be offered

Club Officer(s) will ensure bullies are made aware of the pain/distress they have caused

Explain consequences which include exclusion from the club


What can the bully do?  Ask yourself ‘Why do I do it when I know it’s wrong?’  Tell an adult who can do something to help you stop bullying. Listen to suggestions. Say what might help you to stop


If you are or have been bullied?


Stay calm and walk away 

Find somewhere safe 

Note where and when it happens 

Know how you report bullying in the club and do it! 

Share your problem with someone you trust 

Let the club know what might help

And never become a bully yourself