Adopted 2021 Awaiting committee approval

Aim: To keep everyone safe

The club recognises the importance of health and safety and will take measures to ensure the health and safety of members and visitors. All members and visitors also have a responsibility for their own health and safety and others, especially children and vulnerable adults, who may be affected by the club’s activities.

1. Putting things in place

1.1 The club will implement Covid-19 measures as directed by the Government and ECB

1.2 Club Policies will be promoted via flyers, displays and online, and importantly;

a) policies will be regularly updated

b) The club’s Safeguarding and new technologies will be reviewed annually, as a minimum

1.3 ACI Form (ACCIDENT CONCERN INCIDENT) is available to report any concern, for all members and responded to quickly and retained as appropriate (SEE Whistle Blowing Policy)

1.4 FIRST AID which is suitable for sports clubs, will be available in the pavilion at all times and the club will encourage members to become qualified first-aiders.

1.5 Notices are regularly used to inform club members and visitors of Health and Safety Issues (online /posters/flyers e.g. Parent notice relating to care of children and Disposal of Dog waste bin stickers)

1.6 A telephone (land-line) will be available in the pavilion at all times


1.7 Risk Assessment(s) will be carried out annually, as a minimum SEE 4.

ave  concern?

2. Having the right people in place

2.1 An appointed Health and Safety Officer* will be appointed to lead this policy area and feedback to the committee as required (*or equivalent Officer e.g. Lead Safeguarding Officer)


2.2 ESSENTIAL CONTACTS for health and Safety


Lead Club Safeguarding Officer Graham Furber 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

EMERGENCY West Mercia Police 0300 333 3000 or 999

FIRST AID 111 or emergency 999

2.3 Club Officers and coaches will know and promote this policy

3hat do you do if you have a conn?

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

3.1 They are a number of ways to raise a concern – and in no particular order:


a) Follow our Whistle blowing policy

b) Email wem.cricket@gmail.com

c) Complete an ACI form

d) contact ESSENTIAL CONTACTS, preferably by email


4. Cricket Specific Advice


(please note; Whether Risk Assessments are completed as separate areas or as a whole, these specific areas will be assessed before the start of each season)

Covid-19 Responsibility of Club Officers as required

Bar, Cold store (including keys/access) Responsibility of Bar Manager/or equivalent

Kitchen, WCs and Hospitality Area (including electrical Responsibility of Bar manager/or equivalent

Changing rooms and other Pavilion Responsibility of Safeguarding Officer/or equivalent

Grounds, Sheds and Machinery (including access and car parking) Responsibility of Groundsman/or equivalent


4.2 The ECB Fast Bowling Match Directive and safety guidance on the wearing of helmets by children (0-18) will be followed at all times by the Club and children must use appropriate protective equipment.


4.3 Membership forms of players request personal details and medical and emergency contact details. (Some performance data/personal details are held on play-cricket.com. Information will be kept in accordance with GDPR regulations SEE Safeguarding Policy


Review August 2022