Adopted 2021 awaiting committee approval

1. Putting things in place


1.1 The club’s Committee support this policy whilst Club Safeguarding Officers and Coaches have a good understanding of it. This policy is part of Safe Hands 

1.2 Parents/carers are responsible for the safe and timely, delivery and collection of their child for training and matches (home and away).

1.3 Whilst using the pavilion/watching cricket, Parents/carers are fully responsible for other children in their care.

1.4 Coaches/adults in charge will be responsible for children in their care when on the club premises or on arrival at opponents’ cricket grounds.


2. Having the right people in place


2.1 Missing Children ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

Club Safeguarding Officer(s)

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

Becky Bowen 07507 746577 beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com

Paul Strefford 07840 702338 streffis@btinternet.com

2.2 Coaches are aware of this policy

2.3 Police 999

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

3.1 Speak to a coach


3.2 Report to one of our safeguarding Officers ESSENTIAL CONTACTS


3.3 Email wem.cricket@gmail.com

4. Cricket specific advice

1.Ensure all other children in your care are looked after while you organise a search for the missing child

2. Inform the child’s parents, or nominate someone to telephone them. Reassure them you are doing all you can to locate their child. Remember the child may contact the parents directly so this action is very important

3. Choose a nominated adult and specific point – all searchers will report to this nominated adult

4. Organise all other responsible adults to search by area(s). Best to take a short time to organise the search properly so that all places are searched fully

5. Send searchers firstly to exits and any potential danger spots - lakes or rivers.

6. Search the area in which the child has gone missing inc. changing rooms, toilets, public + private areas and the club’s grounds

7. A Nominated adult at specific point makes notes of events

And. A description of the child; height, build, hair, eye colour + clothing. Where/when they were last seen. 

8. After 20 MINUTES = CONTACT POLICE 999 even if the search is not complete

•          follow police guidance - always be guided by police in any further actions to take.

•          when the child is located, inform all adults including the parents, searchers and police (if involved)

•          All missing child incidents MUST BE notified asap to the Club Safeguarding Officer, who MUST immediately notify the County Welfare Officer, and they must then notify the ECB Safeguarding Team


Written 2021

Review 2022