adopted 2021 awaiting committee approval

1. Putting things in place

1.1 Club Safeguarding Officers and Coaches have a good understanding of this policy and Safe Hands underpins it

1.2 This is part of our Safe Hands Policy

1.3 Parents/carers are responsible for the safe delivery and collection of their child for training and matches (home and away). And should arrange alternative travel arrangements if they are unable to transport their child.

1.4 Coaches/adults in charge will be responsible for children in their care when on the club premises or on arrival at opponents’ cricket grounds.


2. Having the right people in place


2.1 Transporting Children ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

Club Safeguarding Officer(s)

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

Becky Bowen 07507 746577 beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com

Paul Strefford 07840 702338 streffis@btinternet.com

3. What do you do if you have a concern?


2.1 Speak to a coach


2.2 Report to one of our safeguarding Officers – ESSENTIAL CONTACTS 2.1


2.3 Email wem.cricket@gmail.com

4. Cricket specific advice

4.1 Children must register their attendance with their coach/adult in charge

4.2 Parents/carers must give permission children to participate in all competitions/away fixtures/ events.

4.3 Pick-up & drop off on time: Parents are expected to collect their child on time and must contact the club in an emergency/if they are late.

4.4 If a parent/carer allocates an alternative responsible driver (inc. coaches/team managers), the allocated driver should not travel alone with a lone child.

4.5 It is not the responsibility of the coach/adult in charge to transport, or arrange to transport, the children to and from the club or match.