WEM CRICKET CLUB EQUALITY POLICY          Adopted 2021 awaiting committee agreement

Note* The ECB created a new diversity policy 2021-24 and this Equality Policy has been updated accordingly.



ADVICE Discrimination: The club aims to eliminate of discrimination and acknowledges that discrimination can take many forms


Direct Discrimination is treating someone less favourably than you would treat others

Indirect Discrimination is when a condition has a detrimental affect on one sector of society, because fewer from that sector can comply with it

Victimisation is when someone is treated less favourably than others because they have taken action against the club

Harassment is inappropriate actions, behaviour (intimidation, bullying), comments or physical contact that is objectionable or causes offence to the recipient. It may be directed towards people because of their gender, appearance, race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, age, sexual preference, a disability or some other characteristic

No form of discrimination or harassment will be tolerated



Intro Wem is committed to ensuring that cricket is safe and welcoming to all members of the community through its Equality Policy and promotion of inclusion and diversity. This Policy is written in conjunction with the ECB Inclusion and Diversity Strategy and the Equality Act 2010



1. Putting things in place


1.1 The club considers that EQUALITY is

a) Opportunity for all

b) the elimination of discrimination

c) promoting inclusion and diversity

1.2 Responsibilities: Everyone (involved in the club, in any capacity) must respect and act in accordance with the Equality Policy 

1.3 Dignity: The club is committed to promoting dignity and respect for all by valuing everyone

1.4 The club will ensure that no individual receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of (SEE Appendix 1) 

sex, (gender, male or female)

gender reassignment

parental, marriage and civil partnership status,

pregnancy and maternity,

race (inc. ethnic origin, nationality, colour, national origin and language),


sexual preference,

religion or belief,

socio-economical group,

political belief and


1.5 Access: The club will ensure that there will be access to all those who wish to participate in all aspects of cricket and that they are treated fairly

1.6 Harassment: The club is committed to ensuring that its members, players, coaches, volunteers and guests are able to conduct their activities free from harassment or intimidation

1.7 Legal Obligation: The club recognises its legal obligations with respect equality


2. Having the right people in place


2.1 Equality Policy ESSENTIAL CONTACTS

Club Safeguarding Officer(s)

Graham Furber 01939 290649/ 07885 599889 graham.furber@yahoo.com

Becky Bowen 07507 746577 beckybroomhall1988@gmail.com

Paul Strefford 07840 702338 streffis@btinternet.com

County Officer Tracey Pyke 07542 455276  safeguarding@shropshirecricketboard.co.uk

ECB Safeguarding Team 020 7432 1200 www.safeguarding@ecb.co.uk 


2.2 Wem Cricket Club has a Whistle Blowing Policy or Public Concern at Work 020 7404 6609 



2.3 Wem Cricket Club has an email wem.cricket@gmail.com

3. What do you do if you have a concern?

If any club member believes that they may have suffered discrimination because of any of the above protected characteristics they may (in no particular order);

3.1 report concerns to ESSENTIAL CONTACTS, preferably via email

3.2 Email concerns to wemcricket@gmail.com 

3.3 Complete an ACI form

Please note*  Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence, shared with only ‘those who need to know’ and investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedure

3. Cricket specific advice

4.1 All members will be made aware of the policy through the Wem Cricket Club website, committee meetings, flyers and promotion, coaches lead, training, Shropshire council pages online and posters.

4.2 For further information on the Equality Act in Cricket please email: diversitymatters@ecb.co.uk

4.2 All service providers (cricket clubs) have a responsibility under the law to treat their service users fairly · Cricket Clubs will need to ensure they are compliant with the Equality Act

Written 2021

Review 2024 – In line with the ECB

Appendix 1

Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) (2021): There are eight protected characteristics that apply · Disability · Sex (Gender) (male or Female) · Age · Gender Reassignment · Race (Ethnicity) · Religion or Belief (Faith) · Pregnancy and Maternity · Sexual Orientation (LGBT) There is also an additional characteristic that applies only to employers: · Marriage and Civil Partnership More information on the Equality Act · Information specifically for sports clubs from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC): EHRC Guidance for Sports clubs as a service provider · Government department website with information on The Equality Act 2010: Gov.co.uk Equality Act 2010 guidance · Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) providing individuals advice about how they have been treated : http://www.equalityadvisoryservice.com